Saturday, February 23, 2013

One hundred and forty three.

143. Cabin Fever

One hundred and forty two.

142. Lunch date with Daddy!

One hundred and forty one

141. Cute? Oh yeah, that's me.

One hundred and forty

140. Ollie's first selfie - pout and all!

One hundred and thirty nine.

139. Shadows

One hundred and thirty eight.

138. Hoping an apple a day keeps the doctor away!

One hundred and thirty seven.

137. Snuffling through my bedtime bottle :(

One hundred and thirty six.

136. Reflections with Aunty Chrissy

One hundred and thirty five.

135. Drowned Rat

One hundred and thirty four.

134. Hey, ladies!!! (Happy Valentine's Day)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

One hundred and thirty three

133. Even when he's not feeling well, he's smiley. Love this guy to pieces!

One hundred and thirty two

132. I'm sure every Photographer parent can relate!!

One hundred and thirty one

131. Profile.

One hundred and thirty

130. Sucks to be me this week!

One hundred and twenty nine

129. Too cool for apple

One hundred and twenty eight

128. Things we love about you: Your undeniable preference for Dad's tickles.

One hundred and twenty seven

127. Gotcha.

One hundred and twenty six

126. What do you mean "Grass is not appropriate for Breakfast?!"

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

One hundred and twenty five.

125. I WILL get you!!

You are so much more determined now that you can sit up on your own.
You're reaching further and further forward each day and you're asserting your independence already - Much happier when you're trying to reach for something than when you are handed it.
I should be happy that you're growing up but it just scares me to think you don't need me as much anymore!

(Note to self.... read this post again when Ollie is having a bad day and won't give you a moment of peace!!)

One hundred and twenty four.

124. Eight months on and my hernia has repaired itself!

The day the doctor pointed out to me that Oliver had a hernia at his 6 week check-up, I could have died of embarassment and "bad mummy-itis".
How had I not realised? Why would it be normal for his belly button to be THAT far out?
My honest response to the doctor was.. "Really? I thought he just had an outie!!!"

Turns out it wasn't an outie! We're doing a little happy dance knowing that it's fixed itself and surgery wasn't needed.

Gosh these babies like to keep us on our toes, don't they?!

Sunday, February 3, 2013