Friday, November 23, 2012

Fifty one.

051. Hangin' out at Hungry Jacks

We went to your cousin Jaimie's birthday party at Hungry Jacks tonight.
You must've thought it was pretty exciting because you were so wired I couldn't get you to sleep!
I resorted to rocking you in my arms (I haven't done this in ages now) but you still wouldn't budge.
So you quite literally 'hung out'.


050. Splish Splash!

There is something delicious about a freshly-bathed baby!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Important: 2 years on.

In 2010, my beautiful cousin recommended I enter the Mental Health Council of Australia's photography competition to help promote World Mental Health day.

I thought about the message I needed to convey, and how I would do it in an eye-catching, effective way.

I brainstormed some words that came to mind when I thought of Depression & Anxiety.







I needed to pack a punch with this one, and really depict what it would feel like to suffer these things on a daily basis.
It's one thing to really understand the message you wish to convey (and to be able to describe it in words), but to display it visually, is quite another.

I asked my friend, Phil, to help me out with the shot. I wanted to focus on the isolation and fear factor. The colour RED popped to mind.

So I set up a tripod with my 7D attached (didn't have my 5D back then!), in the middle of one of the busiest places I could find on a Sunday - Circular Quay in Sydney, and jumped in the frame to do my best at conveying loneliness.
I got Phil's help to basically just make sure no-one stole my camera as there can be some dodgy people around and I wasn't risking it..

I got the exact image I was after (not first try mind you!) and submitted it to MHCA for consideration.
They uploaded it to their Facebook page, and it gained an overwhelming response from people, many of which said they suffer anxiety/depression, and could relate completely to this image.

To my surprise, a fortnight later, Natalie from MHCA informed me that I'd won the competition. The prize included flights, accommodation, and tickets for 2 to attend the 2010 National Mental Health Open Forum, where I would be asked to speak about my image and what it means to me.

My image was used on Marketing & Promotional material nation-wide to promote World Mental Health Day. I've seen it on brochures, bus stop ads, postcards, and even a billboard in Canberra.
After another promo brochure was delivered to me this week, featuring my image again, I thought I'd share the image itself and some taken at the Open Forum.

Excuse the poor quality - I've resorted to using a low res file due to previous image theft.

Being presented with my framed print by Rob Knowles, Chairman of MHCA, and about to speak (super nervously) about the concept.

Quick snap with David Crosbie, CEO of the Mental Health Council of Australia, Senator Rachel Siewert of the Australian Greens and Hon Rob Knowles, Chairman of MHCA.

 After speaking at the event about what I tried to convey here, a lovely paraplegic man approached me, tears in his eyes, and thanked me for showing Australia what he had been trying to explain for years.
We spoke for ten or so minutes about his physical and mental health, and he told me he was a poet and started writing because he couldn't speak openly about his conditions. He felt that his poetry allowed him to say things "in code". He told me that he never spoke to his family about his mental wellbeing because he was scared he would lose their respect, or that they would talk to him as if he was a child, and tackle conversation with him as if they were walking on eggshells.

It was then, that I realised two things.

Not only had I succeeded in conveying all those "brainstormed words" through the photograph (insert me high-fiving myself here), but that I was doing exactly what I was meant to do in life.

Telling stories through pictures.

My support for the MHCA is ongoing, and I am proud of Australia for how far we've come with financial support and resources for those with Mental Health disorders over the past ten years.
However, it is not enough.

I urge you all to promote the importance of Mental Health & Wellbeing throughout your community in hopes of a better future, treatment & social acceptance for those who need it.

Forty nine.

049. Those legs kill me <3

I think if someone recorded me walking you in the pram while shopping, I would be shocked at how many times I look down at your chubby, dimply legs, and smile at you.
I love that you have "a little bit extra" - even if it gives me a dead arm when I carry you!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Forty eight.

048. Dowtime between shoots

You were so good today little man!
Patiently being passed around while Mummy worked her way quickly through 5 mini-sessions.
Great results and you were a happy chappy - a perfect day all-in-all!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Forty three.

043. Yum Cha with Mother's Group

I feel so lucky to be a part of such a wonderful group of ladies.
Ollie has already made such beautiful friends, as have I, and I'm grateful we see each other so often.

Forty two.

042. Sleeping like a...

This photo means so much to me.
You are sleeping so well at the moment.. I feel so very blessed.
I know so many Mums that are still struggling to get their babies to sleep - and here you are, self settling and giving me long stints.
I don't like to say it aloud, but here is safe, because this is our domain..

You are on week two of sleeping REALLY well at night.
This has made our house a much happier place to be - for you and for us!

We had so many issues trying to get you to sleep when you were a newborn. Rocking, walking, jiggling, bouncing on a fit ball for at least an hour just to give you 20 minutes of sleep.

To see you absolutely smashing it now - self settling, happily waking, and making those beautiful sleepy noises - just makes me so happy that you're getting the rest you need.

Even if you decide you only want to be this way for a couple more days, I am so grateful you've given me some rest. Thank you!

Monday, November 12, 2012


040. Macro Monday : Morning hair.

I adore our morning cuddles, Ollie.
Even when you wake up at 5:30AM wanting to party.
I love watching your chubby face stare out the window at the trees, and I could watch you for hours with the morning light dancing through your hair.

Every single morning, I am thankful you are here with us.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Thirty nine.

039. Dinnertime "cuddles" from cousin Evie

Thirty eight.

038. With the Mr & Mrs!

Two of my best friends got married on Day 38 - 10/11/12.
Both Pete and I were in the bridal party and had an absolute blast.
It shocked me how jealous I got of the photographer for the day. Our photos had backdrops of ocean, bay, cliffs, trees, lights, the lot.
Oh, the things I would do with scenery like that!
It also shocked me just how much I love my job. I had to bite my tongue about 1000000 times when I saw great photo opportunities, so as to not offend the official photographer (who was great by the way) by interjecting with "Oh quick, snap that!".
It took me all the self control I had to remember to relax and let her do her job in peace! She has been shooting weddings far longer than I have so I'm sure my suggestions would be rather annoying!
I just can't wait to see the results of this beautiful couple's special day.

Thirty seven.

037. 'I can tell that we are gonna be friends'.

Thirty six.

036. 'X' marks the spot.

Thirty five.

035. Dogsitting Missy.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thirty four.

034. Melbourne Cup Day

Office Organisation

If you're anything like me, you'll drown in clutter.

But then again, if you're anything like me, you'll probably still clutter things until you get really hormonal and have the biggest rant to your husband about how your house looks nothing like the houses on Pinterest, and demand he take you to Target to spruce it up immediately.

Cue my new office organisation space;


The shelf (rip-off of IKEA's expedit), was $59 at Target, with the fabric drawers being $9 each.
I asked Pete to show me how to use his drill so I could put it all together while he was at work.
This resulted in me pulling all the contents out of the box, staring at the instructions for a little while, making a coffee, returning to the instructions, then lugging all of the shelves to my son's nursery and pinching his shelf (the exact same one) that we assembled months ago.
"Here's one we prepared earlier!"
Nonetheless, I was proud of myself. Pete not so much!

Inside this teapot (you can get similar styles here), I've actually stored my memory cards and batteries. So yes, it's pretty, but functional too.
I really believe with spaces like this, you need to be minimalistic yet organised. I wanted my shelf to be pretty but free of clutter. 


The top left drawer has all my stuff for packaging DVD's for clients.
This is the type of clutter that would sit on my desk top and make me feel like I was drowning in work.


My first (of hundreds) Pinterest advice ACTUALLY implemented in my house.
I keep telling Pete that all that time I spend pinning things will come in handy one day.
Can't say he was as impressed as I was with this idea to dispense ribbon - don't know why?

The middle drawer contains my props. (Wraps, hats, headbands, small blankets, etc.)
Actually, on a sidenote, if you're looking for headbands/tiebacks/scarves, my sister is my supplier and she has some beautiful pieces. You can check her Facebook out here.


Generally speaking, I mostly shot from two cameras, my 5D Mark II, and my 7D. I find they both have their advantages for my work, but by using both, it is DOUBLE the clutter.
So when downloading images to my computer, I usually have both cameras sitting on the desk, along with the lens that's on each camera, and flashes, etc.
This pretty much takes up half my desk.
I'm hoping that by allocating one shelf in my bookcase for whichever camera is NOT in use, I free up some space on my desk.
(I'll let you know how that goes after two or so weeks.. ha!)


My favourite part of my new space are my prints.
I designed and printed all of them, and feel that they make the space both more personal and professional all in one hit.
The photo, is of course one of Ollie from my 365 Days of Ollie project.

So, there you have it, my new photography station.
I won't be sharing the rest of my office as I'm still slowly creating it.
My desk and monitor are, quite frankly, embarassing. 
My monitor is a ViewSonic - nothing too special. But it is reliable. 
I know it's calibrated to my liking and the thought of calibrating a newer monitor to the same settings hurts my head already.

I have a wishlist of IKEA stuff for my office, which I will share in a post here at some point.

But that's for another day. 

Happy Tuesday!

Thirty three.

033. Bubbly Toes.

You have your Dad's toes.
We really are very sorry about that.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Thirty two.

032. "I'm 5 months old TODAY?!"

Yes, yes you are.
You're five months old today.
You weigh nine kilos (you love your food - you have 6 feeds a day along with 3 solid meals), you are rolling (when you feel like it... lazy kid!), you are laughing, and your smile makes us melt.
Your favourite toy is the dragon with all the rattles on it, but your favourite game ever is "Giddy up" on Mumma's lap and you giggle a cheeky laugh whenever we pretend to throw you around.
You have come so far... but with such a big future ahead of you. We love you so much.. our little fatty xx

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Thirty One.

031. Helping Mum with the washing.


030. Things we love about you: How the first thing you look for is trees.

You sit in your bouncer while I hang our clothes out to dry.
I turn around every now and then to expect to see you watching me.. but every time, without fail, you're gazing at the trees.
I know buddy. Mother Nature is one seriously amazing woman.

Friday, November 2, 2012

The first 29 photos of my 365 days of Ollie.

I'm not known for doing things the traditional way!
Normally people start their 365 (or 366 this year) projects at the start of the year.
I really wanted to document the interesting times in Ollie's life - so I started from the day he turned 4 months old, on the 4th October 2012.
The first 3-4 months of his life were such a blur for us and for him.. that I just knew I couldn't commit to taking a photo a day.
Now, however, this little fella is making us laugh constantly, and it just seemed like the perfect time to start the project.
I've been putting it on Facebook primarily (as I didn't have my website/blog set up yet!) so I thought I'd give you a rundown of the first 29 photos before I continue with daily posts for the rest of the project.

001. Jolly Jumper
002. Fresh out of the bath.

 003. My First Christening
004. Why we do it.
 005. Macro Monday: Teething.
006. Hang me out to dry.
007. Chatting with my best mate.
008. Sometimes he doesn't want to play.
 009. An IKEA adventure

010. Nudin' up.
011. Upside Down, Upside Down
012. Macro Monday: Lush Lashes.
013. Happy Birthday Pop!

014. Orange County.
15. Things we love about you: The way you wake up.
016. Bums 
017. I love my aunties! 

022. Come at me gardening!!
023. Little Bookworm
 024. In Daddy's arms.  

026. Macro Monday: Never let me go.
027. Lions, and pumpkins, and pears.. OH MY
028. Happy Ollie-ween.. muahaha
"Rainbow's are visions,
They're only illusions,
And rainbows have nothing to hide."